Java can accept both mouse and keyboard input; the decision on how to use
this capability is completely up to the programmer of the applet. Suppose
you were working on a calculator applet, and you had a keypad on thedepnaker
screen that users could click to enter numbers. Users might also want to be
able to type numbers from their keyboards. No problem. Applets can
accept input from the mouse and keyboard; Java applets can be as flexible
as you need them to be.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Java can accept both mouse and keyboard inputl for depnaker
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Anda ingin browsing Internet lebih cepat? for depnaker
Anda ingin browsing Internet lebih cepat? kali ini saya akan mengungkap kan rahasia bagaimana mempercepat koneksi browsing anda ke internet dengan stabil tentunya.
Cara ini sangat bermanfaat bagi anda yang memiliki koneksi internet yang terbatas seperti apabila anda menggunakan koneksi XL-GPRS, Telkom Speedy dan lain sebagainya. seperti yang sudah saya coba sebelumnya tip ini hanya bermanfaat untuk browsing saja tidak untuk download lain sebagainya karena ada beberapa hal yang menjadi pengecualian seperti yang akan saya jelaskan berikut ini.
Java can accept both mouse and keyboard input; the decision on how to use
this capability is completely up to the programmer of the applet. Suppose
you were working on a calculator applet, and you had a keypad on thedepnaker
screen that users could click to enter numbers. Users might also want to be
able to type numbers from their keyboards. No problem. Applets can
accept input from the mouse and keyboard; Java applets can be as flexible
as you need them to be.
Adding animations and sounds to a Web page are both wonderful for depnaker
Sync your inbox across devices instantly and automatically. Whether you read or write your email on your phone or on your desktop, changes you make to Gmail will be seen from anywhere you access your inbox.
Java can accept both mouse and keyboard input; the decision on how to use
this capability is completely up to the programmer of the applet. Suppose
you were working on a calculator applet, and you had a keypad on thedepnaker
screen that users could click to enter numbers. Users might also want to be
able to type numbers from their keyboards. No problem. Applets can
accept input from the mouse and keyboard; Java applets can be as flexible
as you need them to be.
Adding animations and sounds to a Web page are both wonderful for depnaker
Sync your inbox across devices instantly and automatically. Whether you read or write your email on your phone or on your desktop, changes you make to Gmail will be seen from anywhere you access your inbox.
Java can accept both mouse and keyboard input; the decision on how to use
this capability is completely up to the programmer of the applet. Suppose
you were working on a calculator applet, and you had a keypad on thedepnaker
screen that users could click to enter numbers. Users might also want to be
able to type numbers from their keyboards. No problem. Applets can
accept input from the mouse and keyboard; Java applets can be as flexible
as you need them to be.
Monday, October 22, 2007
depnaker Part 3 : plasma, LCD : Flat-panel TVs , and how they compare Part 3 (rental lcd tv)
Burn-in: You may have heard that plasma has a couple of drawbacks. One such downside is burn-in, which occurs when an image--such as a stock ticker, a network logo, or letterbox bars--gets etched permanently onto the screen because it sits in one place too long. In our experience, the danger of burn-in has been greatly exaggerated, and people with normal viewing habits have nothing to worry about. The potential for burn-in is greatest during the first 100 or so hours of use, during which time you should keep contrast low (less than 50 percent) and avoid showing static images or letterbox bars on the screen for hours at a time. After this initial phase, plasma should be as durable as any television technology. Many models also have burn-in-reduction features, such as screensavers and pixel orbiting, or settings to treat burn-in once it occurs, such as causing the screen to go all white. Check out our guide to burn-in for more details.
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Plasma life span: The life span of plasma TVs is another area that's improved dramatically with the last few generations of the technology. Partly in response to claims made by LCD TV makers, plasma manufacturers now claim their panels last an extremely long time. Most plasma makers today claim a life span of 60,000 hours before the panel fades to half brightness. That's more than 20 years if the TV is on for 8 hours per day.
Available in a range of sizes; matte screens generally reflect less light; no danger of burn-in.
Home-theater image quality generally not as good as on plasma models; relatively narrow viewing angle.
Flat-panel LCDs will continue to be the most popular HDTV technology, thanks to falling prices and plenty of choices.
Sharp LC-52D92U
The Samsung LN52A650 is a 52-inch LCD with deep black levels, accurate color, 120Hz processing and a shiny screen.
Flat LCDs are extremely popular in all screen sizes these days, thanks to competitive pricing and the fact they can fit just about anywhere. Larger LCDs--as big as 65 inches--remain more expensive than plasma and rear-projection models, but in the popular 40- to 42-inch size range, LCD prices have dropped precipitously. As of fall 2008, flat-panel LCDs in this size range can be had for as little as $750, just a bit more than plasmas.
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The picture quality of LCD TVs has historically suffered from poor black levels, but the latest versions are often much-improved. The best plasmas still surpass the best LCD in terms of delivering a deep black, however, and in general LCD still lags behind. That's because LCDs use a backlight to provide illumination, and there's almost always some light leaking through the pixels. Color saturation is also generally inferior to plasma's, again as a result of the inability to completely blacken (turn off) the pixels. New LCD technologies, including LED backlights, are helping even the playing field, but they're still extremely expensive.
Viewing angle is another weakness of LCD compared with plasma. On every LCD we've reviewed, we witnessed some brightness and color shift visible when we watched from an angle that's more or less removed from the sweet spot right in front of the TV (to either side, and especially above or below). Plasmas look equally good from very wide angles. In addition, LCDs are much more likely to exhibit uniformity problems than plasmas, which can appear as lighter areas on dark screens, clouding, or even color banding on some models. These can be more or less severe from model to model, so check the individual reviews for comments.
On the other hand, LCDs will generally have a higher native resolution than plasmas of the same size. This isn't as big a deal as you might think because, in practice, it's difficult for the average viewer to discern the difference between, say, a 40-inch LCD with 1080p resolution and a 42-inch plasma with 1,024x768 resolution, especially from normal seating distances (more info).
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LCD specification sheets often talk about response time, but in our experience, almost all newer LCDs have adequate response time to deal with fast motion to the satisfaction of most viewers. A related issue is motion blur, which can occur in fast-moving images. LCD TVs with a 120Hz refresh rate can alleviate some of that blurring, but they're generally still not as blur-free as plasmas. It's also worth noting that many people don't notice motion blur at all. 120Hz LCDs often have dejudder processing too, which smoothes out judder in images but can also make some material look more-artificial.
Sewa lcd tv depnaker
LCDs also have a reputation for being brighter than plasmas, and while that's technically true, most plasmas are plenty bright for even the most demanding situations. One definite advantage of LCD TVs, however, is that their matte plastic screens reflect less ambient light than plasmas' glass, so they're usually better for very bright rooms with little light control. Note that some LCDs have glossy screens, as opposed to matte.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat sering dipergunakan sebagai barometer untuk menilai keampuhan model-model dan teori-teori yang di tetapkan dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan ekonomi suatu negara, Sebagai tolak ukur dari peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat yang inti selnya adalah masyarakat pekerja. Berdasarkan hasil kajian oleh Organisasi Perburuhan NInternasional (ILO) menyatakan bahwa belum memadainya pemenuhan kebutuhan sosial minimum pekerja akan berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap persoalan yang menyangkut lingkungan strategis (Strategic Environtment / elingstra) yang meliputi Kebutuhan, Sosial, ekonomi dan politik Suatu Negara .
Di dalam kerangaka megangkat derajat nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, maka peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan pertumbuhan ekonomi ini biasa terjadi apabila masyarakat tidak berpangku tangan dalam pengertian harus mendapat pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak
Dalam rangka untuk lebih menjamin terwujudnya perluasan lapangan pekerjaan dan penghidupan yang layak bagi kemanusiaan, maka adanya sistem Pengupahan dan Kebutuhan Hidup Layak yang proposional, Prospektif, obyektif, produktif dan Aplikatif, mutlak diperlukan dan harus diciptakan. Menyadari hal itu, maka untuk lebih mejamin adanya kesamaan Visi, Misi, Presepsi dan interpretasi, perlu dilalui proses mengerti dan memahami terlebih dahulu agar segenap lapisan masyarakat merasa terpanggil untuk ikut bertanggung jawab terhadap pelaksanaan pengupahan dan Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (KHL) depnaker
Dalam konteks tersebut diatas, maka Dialog Nasional merupakan salah satu solusi alternative dan oleh karenaya memerlukan pemahaman secara mendalam dibiang Pengupahan dan Kebutuhan Hiup Layak bagi Tenaga Kerja dan merupakan permasalahan yang sering menimbulkan konflik dan ketidak puasan atara team SDM dengan Serikat Pekerja / Buruh di Perusahaan
Untuk Itu Dialog Nasional Ini sangat penting dan strategis bagi team SDM dan serikat Pekerja / Buruh guna meningkatka kompetensi dan kapasitas di Perusahaan, didalamnya narasumber yang kompeten baik dalam masalah strategi maupun teknis terutama hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan substansi materi pengupahan dan kebutuahan hidup layak baik tenaga kerja di perusahaan depnaker
Mari Bersama sama kita Menyamakan Visi, Misi, Presepsi dan interpretasi antara Team SDM dan Serikat Pekerja / Buruh dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Pengupahan dan Kebutuhan hidup layak serta Meningkatkan Pemahaman, Wawasan dan Keterampilan dalam Penanganan Struktur, Skala Upah dan Kebutuhan Hidup Layak dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan Pekerja Ketahanan Perusahaan
Friday, September 14, 2007
Map for depnaker
Index Of Map
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Java is supposed to be platform independent for depnaker
Java is supposed to be platform independent
If I had to pick one issue in this book that I think is most controversial, it would be platform-dependent applications. From what I read on the newsgroups and in the press, I think that many programmers agree with me. As you'll see in Part III, I myself am quite torn about the whole idea. depnaker
Much of this concern is misguided, however. If Java is to fulfill its promise as a full-powered environment for developing applications, then it cannot be hobbled by requirements that are intended for applets on Web pages. Only by taking advantage of undocumented packages and the native API can Java programmers level the playing field with their C and C++ counterparts and produce commercial-quality applications.
The advent of Java-based network computers only extends the problem. On a network computer, anything you want to do must be done in Java. You cannot drop out to a native method in C. Therefore it is even more important to have full access to all the capabilities of Java. depnaker
What went wrong? What happened to the dream of applets moving transparently and easily between platforms? The answer is that Java succeeded. In fact, it succeeded wildly, much faster and far beyond the expectations of its designers. What was a simple language for consumer electronics has become the most rapidly adopted programming language in history. It is being used for applets on Web pages, for database front ends, for numerical analysis, for multi-player networked games, and for much, much more. It is no wonder that many of these programmers need capabilities and knowledge that were not originally planned for Java.depnaker
Java is supposed to be platform independent for depnaker
Java is supposed to be platform independent
If I had to pick one issue in this book that I think is most controversial, it would be platform-dependent applications. From what I read on the newsgroups and in the press, I think that many programmers agree with me. As you'll see in Part III, I myself am quite torn about the whole idea. depnaker
Much of this concern is misguided, however. If Java is to fulfill its promise as a full-powered environment for developing applications, then it cannot be hobbled by requirements that are intended for applets on Web pages. Only by taking advantage of undocumented packages and the native API can Java programmers level the playing field with their C and C++ counterparts and produce commercial-quality applications.
The advent of Java-based network computers only extends the problem. On a network computer, anything you want to do must be done in Java. You cannot drop out to a native method in C. Therefore it is even more important to have full access to all the capabilities of Java. depnaker
What went wrong? What happened to the dream of applets moving transparently and easily between platforms? The answer is that Java succeeded. In fact, it succeeded wildly, much faster and far beyond the expectations of its designers. What was a simple language for consumer electronics has become the most rapidly adopted programming language in history. It is being used for applets on Web pages, for database front ends, for numerical analysis, for multi-player networked games, and for much, much more. It is no wonder that many of these programmers need capabilities and knowledge that were not originally planned for Java.depnaker
Monday, August 20, 2007
Before diving into the various constructs provided by the Java language for depnaker
Before diving into the various constructs provided by the Java language, you should have at least a general understanding of the Java programming environment. In the fine tradition of all language reference manuals, here is a short Java program that outputs "Hello world!" and then exits:
* Sample program to print "Hello World"
class HelloWorld { // Declare class HelloWorld
public static void main(String argv[]) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
This example begins with a comment that starts with /* and ends with */. This type of comment is called a C-style comment. The example also uses another kind of comment that begins with // and ends at the end of the line. This kind of comment is called a single-line comment; it is identical to that style of comment in C++. Java supports a third type of comment, called a documentation comment, that provides for the extraction of comment text into a machine-generated document.
Comments aside, the example consists of a single class declaration for the class called HelloWorld. If you are unfamiliar with classes, you can think of a class as a collection of variables and pieces of executable code called methods for the purposes of this discussion. In Java, most executable code is part of a method. Methods are identical to virtual member functions in C++, except that they can exist only as part of a class. Methods are also similar to functions, procedures, and subroutines in other programming languages.
The HelloWorld class contains a single method named main(). When you ask the Java interpreter to run a Java program, you tell it what code to run by giving it the name of a class. The Java interpreter then loads the class and searches it for a method named main() that has the same attributes and parameters as shown in the example. The interpreter then calls that main() method.
In the declaration of main(), the name main is preceded by the three keywords: public, static, and void. The public modifier makes the main() method accessible from any class. The static modifier, when applied to a method, means that the method can be called independently of an instance of a class. The void keyword means that the method returns no value. The main() method of an application should always be declared with these three keywords. Although the meanings of these keywords is similar to their meanings in C++, there are some differences in the meaning of the keyword static as used in Java and C++.
The main() method contains a single line of executable code that calls the println() method of the object System.out. Passing the argument "Hello World!" to the println() method results in "Hello World!" being output. System.out is an object that encapsulates an application's standard output. It is similar in purpose to stdout in C and cout in C++. Java also has and System.err objects that are similar in purpose to stdin and stderr in C and cin and cerr in C++, respectively.
Java is a relatively new programming language for depnaker
Java is a relatively new programming language. However, many of the features that make up the language are not new at all. Java's designers borrowed features from a variety of older languages, such as Smalltalk and Lisp, in order to achieve their design goals. depnaker
Java is designed to be both robust and secure, so that it can be used to write small, hosted programs, or applets, that can be run safely by hosting programs such as Web browsers and cellular phones. Java also needs to be portable, so that these programs can run on many different kinds of systems. What follows is a list of the important features that Java's designers included to create a robust, secure, and portable language. depnaker
Java is a simple language. It borrows most of its syntax from C/C++, so it is easy for C/C++ programmers to understand the syntax of Java code. But that is where the similarities end. Java does not support troublesome features from C/C++, so it is much simpler than either of those languages. In fact, if you examine the features of Java, you'll see that it has more in common with languages like Smalltalk and Lisp. depnaker
Java is a statically typed language, like C/C++. This means that the Java compiler can perform static type checking and enforce a number of usage rules.
Java is fully runtime-typed as well. The Java runtime system keeps track of all the objects in the system, which makes it possible to determine their types at runtime. For example, casts from one object type to another are verified at runtime. Runtime typing also makes it possible to use completely new, dynamically loaded objects with some amount of type safety.
Java is a late-binding language, like Smalltalk, which means that it binds method calls to their definitions at runtime. Runtime binding is essential for an object-oriented language, where a subclass can override methods in its superclass, and only the runtime system can determine which method should be invoked. However, Java also supports the performance benefits of early binding. When the compiler can determine that a method cannot be overridden by subclassing, the method definition is bound to the method call at compile-time. depnaker
Java takes care of memory management for applications, which is unlike C/C++, where the programmer is responsible for explicit memory management. Java supports the dynamic allocation of arrays and objects, and then takes care of reclaiming the storage for objects and arrays when it is safe to do so, using a technique called garbage collection. This eliminates one of the largest sources of bugs in C/C++ programs.
Java supports object references, which are like pointers in C/C++. However, Java does not allow any manipulation of references. For example, there is no way that a programmer can explicitly dereference a reference or use pointer arithmetic. Java implicitly handles dereferencing references, which means that they can be used to do most of the legitimate things that C/C++ pointers can do. depnaker
Java uses a single-inheritance class model, rather than the depnaker error-prone multiple-inheritance model used by C++. Instead, Java provides a feature called an interface (borrowed from Objective C) that specifies the behavior of an object without defining its implementation. Java supports multiple inheritance of interfaces, which provides many of the benefits of multiple inheritance, without the associated problems. depnaker
Java has support for multiple threads of execution built into the language, so there are mechanisms for thread synchronization and explicit waiting and signaling between threads.
Java has a powerful exception-handling mechanism, somewhat like that in newer implementations of C++. Exception handling provides a way to separate error-handling code from normal code, which leads to cleaner, more robust applications.
Java is both a compiled and an interpreted language. Java code is compiled to Java byte-codes, which are then executed by a Java runtime environment, called the Java virtual machine. The specifications of the Java language and the virtual machine are fully defined; there are no implementation-dependent details. This architecture makes Java an extremely portable language.
Java uses a three-layer security model to protect a system from untrusted Java code. The byte-code verifier reads byte-codes before they are run and makes sure that they obey the basic rules of the Java language. The class loader takes care of bringing compiled Java classes into the runtime interpreter. The security manager handles application-level security, by controlling whether or not a program can access resources like the filesystem, network ports, external processes, and the windowing system. depnaker
As you can see, Java has quite a list of interesting features. If you are a C/C++ programmer, many of the constructs of the Java language that are covered in this book should look familiar to you. Just be warned that you shouldn't take all of these constructs at face value, since many of them are different in Java than they are in C/C++.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Why Is Java Interesting? for depnaker
Why Is Java Interesting?
A Simple Example
When it was introduced in late 1995, Java took the Internet by storm. Java 1.1, released in early 1997, nearly doubles the speed of the Java interpreter and includes many important new features. With the addition of APIs to support database access, remote objects, an object component model, internationalization, printing, encryption, digital signatures, and many other technologies, Java is now poised to take the rest of the programming world by storm. depnaker
Despite all the hype surrounding Java and the new features of Java 1.1, it's important to remember that at its core, Java is just a programming language, like many others, and its APIs are just class libraries, like those of other languages. What is interesting about Java, and thus the source of much of the hype, is that it has a number of important features that make it ideally suited for programming in the heavily networked, heterogenous world of the late 1990s. The rest of this chapter describes those interesting features of Java and demonstrates some simple Java code. Chapter 4, What's New in Java 1.1 explores the new features that have been added to version 1.1 of the Java API. depnaker
Monday, July 16, 2007
Best Rental in Jakarta SEWA LCD PROJECTOR, INFOCUS, OHP, TV PLASMA for depnaker
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There are two main things to remember about each of these objects for depnaker
T:(021) 926 34 666, 930 30 299 , 0815 877 3224 MEET Yuli OR Iwan
Friday, June 22, 2007
For depnaker You want to move a movie clip in front of or behind another movie clip
You want to move a movie clip in front of or behind another movie clip, button, or text field. depnaker
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Use layers or the arrangement commands to adjust the order of instances at authoring time.
Use the swapDepths( ) method to change the stacking order of any two instances at runtime. depnaker
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When you are working with multiple movie clip, button, and/or text field instances on the stage at the same time, you need to be aware of their stacking order. For example, if you have a movie clip that is supposed to animate behind a text field, you need to make sure that the text field appears in front of the movie clip. You can make these kinds of adjustments at authoring time either by placing the instances on different layers and arranging the layer order or by changing the order using the arrangement commands. You can move an instance forward or back by selecting the instance and then choosing Modify Arrange Bring Forward/Send Back/Bring to Front/Send to Back.
The authoring time techniques work just fine when you want to maintain a constant stacking order of all the instances in the movie. But when you want the order to change, you need to use ActionScript to effect that change at runtime using the swapDepths( ) method. In some cases, it is important that you be able to programmatically change the depths of instances in this way. For example, if you create a puzzle in which the user can drag the pieces around on stage, you want to make sure that the piece that is currently being dragged appears on top of all the other pieces.
In order to understand how to use swapDepths( )a relatively easy methodyou first need to understand how Flash determines stacking order. For the convenience of the developer, Flash uses layers within the authoring environment. However, the exported SWF does not contain any information about layers. Instead, it knows only about depths: whole number values determining the stacking order. Every instance in the movie is assigned its own depth whether you assign it explicitly using the attachMovie( ), duplicateMovieClip( ), createEmptyMovieClip( ), or createTextField( ) methods, or whether it is done automatically for all authoring time instances. But regardless of how the instances are created, they all must have a unique depth. The depth determines the stacking order in which they appear on the stage. An instance of greater depth appears on top of an instance of lesser depth.
You can use the swapDepths( ) method to switch the depths of any two instances. You should invoke the method from one of the instances, and pass a reference to the other instance to the method as a parameter. For instance, if you want to switch the depths of two movie clips on the same timeline named mSquare and mCircle, your code could look like this:
The preceding example could also be written:
Both the examples result in the same thingthe two movie clip instances change positions in the stacking order.
There are many scenarios in which you may want to change the stacking order of instances in your movie. One common example was mentioned earlierensuring that the movie clip that is selected or being dragged appears on top of all the other instances. And another example is that of creating animations that appear to move in three dimensions. For example, if you have two movie clips that appear to spin in a loop along the z-axis (meaning they seem to move back into the screen), you need to make sure that the movie clip that is currently appearing to be nearer to the viewer has a higher depth.
Here is a simple example with two movie clip instances named circle and square on the main timeline. The two movie clips are slightly overlapping. The circle movie clip has the following actions:
mCircle.onPress = function():Void {
In this example, each time the user clicks the circle, the circle and square appear to change order. You can also create a slightly more intelligent system by which the circle is always brought to the front of the square when it is clicked by adding a conditional statement that uses the getDepth( ) method to compare the current depths of the two movie clips. In this slightly modified code, the depths are changed only if the depth of mCircle is not already greater than the depth of mSquare:
For depnaker Creating New Movie Clips Based on Existing Movie Clips
Recipe 11.9. Creating New Movie Clips Based on Existing Movie Clips
FlashMX MultiRental.3pod rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present
You want to create a duplicate movie clip instance based on an existing instance.
FlashMX MultiRental.3pod rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present
Use the duplicateMovieClip( ) method.
FlashMX MultiRental.3pod rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present <>
With the duplicateMovieClip( ) method, you can quickly create duplicates of movie clip instances already on the stage. This method creates a copy of the movie clip instance from which it is invoked with a new instance name and depth:
// Create a new movie clip named mNewInstance based on the movie clip named
// originalInstance that already existed on the stage. The new movie clip is
// created at depth 1.
mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1);
Additionally, you can specify a third, optional parameter for the duplicateMovieClip( ) method. This parameter is known as the initialization object, and the properties and values of the initialization object are assigned to the new instance. The parameter value should be in the form of an ActionScript Object object, which you can create one of two ways: <>
· Using the constructor and assigning properties and values via dot notation:
· var oInitialization:Object = new Object();
· oInitialization.property1 = "value1";
· oInitialization. property2 = "value2;
· Using the object literal notation:
· var oInitialization:Object = { property1: "value1", property2: "value2"};
Both of these techniques are absolutely valid, and neither is better than the other. Sometimes you may find that you want to use the object literal notation, because it allows you to create the object in line with the duplicateMovieClip( ) method:
mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, { property1: "valeu1",
property2: "value2"});
However, in other cases, the object literal notation is either inconvenient or impossible. Generally, the more properties you want to assign to an object, the more it makes sense to use the constructor technique, because it offers a much more readable format. <>
var oInitialization:Object = new Object();
oInitialization. property1 = "value1";
oInitialization. property2 = "value2";
mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, oInitialization);
The initialization object, or init object, can be extremely useful in at least two ways:
· You can use the initialization object to initialize the new instance with its own values for built-in movie clip properties, such as _x, _y, _rotation, and so on. By default, the duplicate retains the values for these properties from the original movie clip.
· // Create a duplicate movie clip positioned at 300,300.
· mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, {_x: 300, _y: 300});
· You can use the init object to initialize a new instance with copies of the custom method definitions (such as event handler methods) of the original movie clip. By default, custom method definitions are not copied from the original to the duplicate movie clip. However, you can use a for… in loop to populate an initialization object with all the custom properties and methods of the original movie clip, and then pass that initialization object to the duplicateMovieClip( ) method:
· // Create the init object.
· var oInitialization:Object = new Object();
· // Use a for…in loop to loop through all the custom properties and methods of
· // the original movie clip instance, and add them to the init object.
· for(var sItem:String in mOriginalInstance) {
· oInitialization [sItem] = mOriginalInstance[sItem];
· }
· mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, oInitialization);
You can use a for statement to create multiple duplicates at the same time. The basic syntax is as follows:
for(var i:Number = 0; i < numberOfDuplicates; i++) {
originalInstance.duplicateMovieClip (newInstanceName, depth);
When you create the new movie clips, make sure each has a unique instance name and a unique depth. Typically, you can generate unique instance names by concatenating the for statement's index variable value with a base name. For example, you might use a base name of mSquare and concatenate that with the value of the for statement's index variable to get instance names of mSquare0, mSquare1, mSquare2, and so on. Then, for the depth, you can either use the value of the for statement's index variable or you can use the getNextHighestDepth( ) method that is discussed in depnakerdepnakerRecipe 11.10. The following example creates five duplicates with instance names mSquare0 through mSquare4:
for(var i:Number = 0; i < 5; i++) {
mSquare.duplicateMovieClip("mSquare" + i, i);
<> When you generate duplicate movie clips in batches as shown in the preceding code, you may notice that you don't have a very convenient way to refer to the new instances. When you create a single duplicate with a specific name, you can refer to the new movie clip quite simply. For example, the following code creates a duplicate of mCircle with an instance name of mNewCircle. Then it applies an onPress( ) event handler method to the new movie clip.
mCircle.duplicateMovieClip("mNewCircle", 1, {_x: 100, _y: 100});
mNewCircle.onPress = function():Void {
trace("You clicked on mNewCircle.");
However, when you use a for statement to create the duplicates with dynamic instance names, you need a different way to refer to the new movie clips. For example, if you are creating duplicate movie clips with instance names mSquare0, mSquare1, mSquare2, and so on, you cannot use the following code to assign an onPress( ) event handler method to them after you've created them:
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
For depnaker You want to convert bitmap graphics to vector art.
FlashMX Ges0Catch rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus Plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present
Use Modify Trace Bitmap.
FlashMX Ges0Catch rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus Plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present <>
Flash excels with vector graphics; most of its tools are designed to edit them and Flash is optimized to work with them. Vector graphics are also scalable, in contrast to bitmap graphics, which usually lose quality when scaled (especially when scaled up). Finally, due to their editability, vector graphics are easier to animate, since you can reshape them nondestructively. Using Flash's trace feature, you can convert any bitmap graphic to vector shapes.
As promising as this conversion may sound, tracing bitmaps is often not a viable solution. For highly detailed bitmaps, such as most digital photographs, vector graphics are inferior in almost every significant way to bitmaps, including editability, file size, and image quality.
To reproduce an image using vector graphics, Flash draws vector shapes. If an image is relatively simple, with large regions of a single color, Flash can easily render the image using shapes. But if the image is detailed and intricate, as most photographs are, Flash has to draw many extremely small shapes. At some point, the overhead of creating and drawing tiny shapes becomes more file size and processor-intensive than the original pixels. And if the resulting vector shapes are larger than a pixel, the image has less detail than the bitmap, which means that it doesn't look as good.
If you are considering vectorizing a bitmap, you ought to examine your motivations. If you want to vectorize the bitmap for stylistic purposes, that's a good reason. Another good reason to vectorize a bitmap is because you want to use shape tweens on the shapes that constitute the bitmap. However, if you want to vectorize the bitmap to save file size, you're very unlikely to achieve that particular goal unless the bitmap has very few colors and consists primarily of simple shapes.
If you determine that you do want to vectorize the bitmap, complete the following steps: depnaker
1. Drag a bitmap instance onto the stage.
2. Select it with the Selection tool. Do not break it apart.
3. Choose Modify Bitmap Trace Bitmap from the main menu.
4. Enter appropriate settings in the Trace Bitmap dialog box, as follows:
Color Threshold
Determines how close colors have to be to be considered the same color and represented in the same shape. The lower the number, the more intolerant Flash is of color differences, resulting in more vectors, higher file size, and higher visual fidelity. The range is 1 to 500, with each number representing the difference in RGB colors between two pixels. The default value is 100.
Minimum Area
Determines how many surrounding pixels Flash considers when analyzing a pixel. This affects how large the resulting shapes are. Higher numbers merge more pixels together into single shapes, resulting in lower image fidelity and smaller file sizes. The range is 11000, and the default is 8.
Curve Fit
Controls how much smoothing Flash applies to curves. The drop-down menu has six increasingly smooth settings, ranging from Pixels to Very Smooth. Higher smooth settings result in lower fidelity to the original bitmap and smaller file sizes. The default setting is Normal. <>
Corner Threshold
Controls how much sharp corners are smoothened. The drop-down menu has three settings, ranging from Many Corners to Few Corners. The middle option, Normal, is the default. depnaker
5. Click OK. Depending on the settings you entered and your computer's processing capabilities, the tracing could take several seconds or minutes. When the tracing is finished, the original bitmap is replaced with the vector version of the image.
6. If desired, you can delete the bitmap from the library.
Tracing bitmap images requires you to balance the competing needs of file size and simplicity, on the one hand, and fidelity to the original image on the other. The process usually requires trial and error. Remember to use Edit Undo to bring an image back to its original state, so you can try again.
One strategy for tracing bitmaps is to trace two instances of the same bitmapone using low settings (yielding high quality), and one using high settings (yielding simple shapes). Then composite the two versions together using the high-quality source for important areas of the graphic and the low-quality source for less important parts of the graphic.
When you have traced a bitmap, you can sometimes further optimize the vectorized version using the Optimize feature in Flash. To use the feature, select the entire shape you want to optimize (e.g., the entire vectorized version of the bitmap) and select Modify Shape Optimize. The Optimize Curves dialog box will appear, prompting you for a few settings before it runs. Set the Smoothing slider based on how much you want Flash to smooth out the curves in the shape. Generally, the more smoothing you apply, the less it will resemble the original, but the greater the reduction in file size. Because you can undo after running the Optimize feature, you can use trial and error to find the setting that is most appropriate for your artwork. The Use Multiple Passes feature will automatically run the optimization repeatedly until it has determined that the shape is fully optimized. Typically, you will find it helpful to keep the Use Multiple Passes option checked unless you find that it is
optimizing too much. When you've got the settings as you want, click the OK button to run the optimization. Depending on the complexity of the shape, it may take a second, or it may take many seconds. Once the optimization is done, deselect the shape on stage to see the effect. If it is acceptable, you don't need to take any further steps. If the optimization rendered the shape unrecognizable, you can undo and reapply with different settings.
If the Optimize feature didn't get enough of a file size reduction, you can still further optimize the shape using the smooth and straighten features. Using the Selection tool, select the traced bitmap shape. Then click on the Smooth or Straighten buttons at the bottom of the Tools panel. Or, optionally, choose Modify Shape Smooth or Modify Shape Straighten from the menus. You can apply smooth or straighten more than once. But check after each application to make sure that the traced bitmap shape still looks recognizable.
The following sequence of images shows the differences between different versions of a traced bitmap. The first is the original bitmap before being traced. When exported in the SWF, the bitmap in the example accounts for 56KB. The second image is a version that has been traced with a color threshold of 50, minimum area of 4 pixels, curve fit of normal, and corner threshold of normal. When exported in the SWF, the traced bitmap artwork accounts for 44KB. The third image is an optimized version of the second. The optimization was run with the smoothing set to maximum and using multiple passes. When exported in the SWF, the artwork accounts for 31KB. And the fourth image is a version of the third with further smoothing applied. When exported in the SWF, it accounts for 26KB.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
For "depnaker" Masalah keamanan yang berhubungan dengan Indonesi
Masalah keamanan yang berhubungan dengan Indonesia
Meskipun Internet di Indonesia masih dapat tergolong baru, sudah ada
beberapa kasus yang berhubungan dengan keamanan di Indonesia. Di
bawah ini akan didaftar beberapa contoh masalah atau topik tersebut.
• Akhir Januari 1999. Domain yang digunakan untuk Timor Timur (.TP)
diserang sehingga hilang. Domain untuk Timor Timur ini diletakkan
pada sebuah server di Irlandia yang bernama Connect-Ireland.
Pemerintah Indonesia yang disalahkan atau dianggap melakukan
kegiatan hacking ini. Menurut keterangan yang diberikan oleh
administrator Connect-Ireland, 18 serangan dilakukan secara serempak
dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Akan tetapi berdasarkan pengamatan,
domain Timor Timur tersebut dihack dan kemudian ditambahkan sub
domain yang bernama "". Berdasarkan pengamatan situasi,
"" merupakan sebuah perkataan yang sedang dipopulerkan oleh
"Beavis and Butthead" (sebuah acara TV di MTV). Dengan kata lain,
crackers yang melakukan serangan tersebut kemungkinan penggemar
(atau paling tidak, pernah nonton) acara Beavis dan Butthead itu. Jadi,
kemungkinan dilakukan oleh seseorang dari Amerika Utara.
• Beberapa web site Indonesia sudah dijebol dan daftarnya
(beserta contoh
halaman yang sudah dijebol) dapat dilihat di koleksi
• Januari 2000. Beberapa situs web Indonesia diacak-acak oleh cracker
yang menamakan dirinya "fabianclone" dan "naisenodni" (indonesian
dibalik). Situs yang diserang termasuk Bursa Efek Jakarta, BCA,
Indosatnet. Selain situs yang besar tersebut masih banyak situs lainnya
yang tidak dilaporkan.
• Seorang cracker Indonesia (yang dikenal dengan nama hc) tertangkap di
Singapura ketika mencoba menjebol sebuah perusahaan di Singapura.
• September dan Oktober 2000. Setelah berhasil membobol bank Lippo,
kembali Fabian Clone beraksi dengan menjebol web milik Bank Bali.
Perlu diketahui bahwa kedua bank ini memberikan layanan Internet
• September 2000. Polisi mendapat banyak laporan dari luar negeri
tentang adanya user Indonesia yang mencoba menipu user lain pada situs
web yang menyediakan transaksi lelang (auction) seperti eBay.
Monday, June 18, 2007
For "depnaker" You can display values along the axes of a chart to control how the numerical data is presented
Displaying axis values
FreehandMX JakartaRental.3pod rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present
You can display values along the axes of a chart to control how the numerical data is presented. If an axis has no numerical values, the options in the Chart Type dialog box are dimmed. The axis value options are not available for a Pie chart.
To display axis values: <>
1 Select the chart.
2 In the Tools panel, if the Chart tool is not showing, select it from its pop-up menu.
3 Double-click the Chart tool.
4 In the Chart Type dialog box, click the X Axis or Y Axis button to display the Axis Options dialog box. <> depnaker
5 Select an Axis Values option:
Calculate from Data lets you calculate axis values from the data entered in the worksheet. <> depnaker
Manual lets you enter your own Minimum, Maximum, and Between values. The Between value determines how many steps will be displayed between each whole number. For example, if the axis values range from 1 to 10, a Between value of 1 will display 1, 2, 3, and so on. A Between value of 2 will display 2, 4, 6, and so on. depnaker
To have the axis start with a high number and end with a lower number, enter a negative number in the Between box.
Major tick marks correspond to numbers or category labels on the axis. They can be displayed across, inside, or outside the axis. Minor tick marks are evenly spaced between major marks. The value in the Count text box determines how many minor tick marks appear between each major mark. They can also be displayed across, inside, or outside the axis. <>
7 For Axis Value Labels, enter a prefix to add a label before a value (such as $ for $125), and enter a suffix to add a label after a value (such as % for 5%).
8 Click OK. <>
9 Repeat steps 4 through 8 to set options for the other axis.
10 Click Apply to preview your chanJakartaRental.3pod without closing the Chart dialog box, or click OK to apply the chanJakartaRental.3pod and close the dialog box. <> depnaker b\
For "depnaker" You can display values along the axes of a chart to control how the numerical data is presented
Displaying axis values
FreehandMX JakartaRental.3pod rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present
You can display values along the axes of a chart to control how the numerical data is presented. If an axis has no numerical values, the options in the Chart Type dialog box are dimmed. The axis value options are not available for a Pie chart.
To display axis values: <>
1 Select the chart.
2 In the Tools panel, if the Chart tool is not showing, select it from its pop-up menu.
3 Double-click the Chart tool.
4 In the Chart Type dialog box, click the X Axis or Y Axis button to display the Axis Options dialog box. <> depnaker
5 Select an Axis Values option:
Calculate from Data lets you calculate axis values from the data entered in the worksheet. <> depnaker
Manual lets you enter your own Minimum, Maximum, and Between values. The Between value determines how many steps will be displayed between each whole number. For example, if the axis values range from 1 to 10, a Between value of 1 will display 1, 2, 3, and so on. A Between value of 2 will display 2, 4, 6, and so on. depnaker
To have the axis start with a high number and end with a lower number, enter a negative number in the Between box.
Major tick marks correspond to numbers or category labels on the axis. They can be displayed across, inside, or outside the axis. Minor tick marks are evenly spaced between major marks. The value in the Count text box determines how many minor tick marks appear between each major mark. They can also be displayed across, inside, or outside the axis. <>
7 For Axis Value Labels, enter a prefix to add a label before a value (such as $ for $125), and enter a suffix to add a label after a value (such as % for 5%).
8 Click OK. <>
9 Repeat steps 4 through 8 to set options for the other axis.
10 Click Apply to preview your chanJakartaRental.3pod without closing the Chart dialog box, or click OK to apply the chanJakartaRental.3pod and close the dialog box. <> depnaker b\
For "depnaker" You can display values along the axes of a chart to control how the numerical data is presented
Displaying axis values
FreehandMX JakartaRental.3pod rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present
You can display values along the axes of a chart to control how the numerical data is presented. If an axis has no numerical values, the options in the Chart Type dialog box are dimmed. The axis value options are not available for a Pie chart.
To display axis values: <>
1 Select the chart.
2 In the Tools panel, if the Chart tool is not showing, select it from its pop-up menu.
3 Double-click the Chart tool.
4 In the Chart Type dialog box, click the X Axis or Y Axis button to display the Axis Options dialog box. <> depnaker
5 Select an Axis Values option:
Calculate from Data lets you calculate axis values from the data entered in the worksheet. <> depnaker
Manual lets you enter your own Minimum, Maximum, and Between values. The Between value determines how many steps will be displayed between each whole number. For example, if the axis values range from 1 to 10, a Between value of 1 will display 1, 2, 3, and so on. A Between value of 2 will display 2, 4, 6, and so on. depnaker
To have the axis start with a high number and end with a lower number, enter a negative number in the Between box.
Major tick marks correspond to numbers or category labels on the axis. They can be displayed across, inside, or outside the axis. Minor tick marks are evenly spaced between major marks. The value in the Count text box determines how many minor tick marks appear between each major mark. They can also be displayed across, inside, or outside the axis. <>
7 For Axis Value Labels, enter a prefix to add a label before a value (such as $ for $125), and enter a suffix to add a label after a value (such as % for 5%).
8 Click OK. <>
9 Repeat steps 4 through 8 to set options for the other axis.
10 Click Apply to preview your chanJakartaRental.3pod without closing the Chart dialog box, or click OK to apply the chanJakartaRental.3pod and close the dialog box. <> depnaker b\
Sunday, June 17, 2007
For "depnaker"Extended protection against DLL-injection, SE can unload process modules on the fly
letaknya berjauhan secara fisik. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari
hilangnya data akibat bencana seperti kebakaran, banjir, dan lain
sebagainya. Apabila data-data dibackup akan tetapi diletakkan pada lokasi depnaker
yang sama, <>
kemungkinan data akan hilang jika tempat yang bersangkutan
mengalami bencana seperti kebakaran.
Penggunaan Enkripsi untuk meningkatkan
keamanan depnaker
Salah satau mekanisme untuk meningkatkan keamanan adalah dengan
menggunakan teknologi enkripsi. Data-data yang anda kirimkan diubah <>
sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak mudah disadap. Banyak servis di Internet
yang masih menggunakan "plain text" untuk authentication, seperti depnaker <>
penggunaan pasangan userid dan password. Informasi ini dapat dilihat
dengan mudah oleh program penyadap atau pengendus (sniffer).
Contoh servis yang menggunakan plain text antara lain: depnaker
• akses jarak jauh dengan menggunakan telnet dan rlogin
• transfer file dengan menggunakan FTP <>
• akses email melalui POP3 dan IMAP4
• pengiriman email melalui SMTP
• akses web melalui HTTP <>
Penggunaan enkripsi untuk remote akses (misalnya melalui ssh sebagai
penggani telnet atau rlogin) akan dibahas di bagian tersendiri.
Telnet atau shell aman <>
Telnet atau remote login digunakan untuk mengakses sebuah "remote site"
atau komputer melalui sebuah jaringan komputer. Akses ini dilakukan depnaker
dengan menggunakan hubungan TCP/IP dengan menggunakan userid dan
password. Informasi tentang userid dan password ini dikirimkan melalui <>
It keamanan geslearn rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present > <>
ada lynx dan akhirnya muncul Mosaic yang dikembangkan oleh Marc depnaker
Andreesen beserta kawan-kawannya ketika sedang magang di NCSA.
Mosaic yang multi-platform (Unix/Xwindow, Mac, Windows) inilah yang
memicu popularitas WWW. <>
Berkembangnya WWW dan Internet menyebabkan pergerakan sistem
informasi untuk menggunakannya sebagai basis. Banyak sistem yang tidak depnaker
terhubung ke Internet tetapi tetap menggunakan basis Web sebagai basis
untuk sistem informasinya yang dipasang di jaringan Intranet. Untuk itu,
keamanan sistem informasi yang berbasis Web dan teknologi Internet
bergantung kepada keamanan sistem Web tersebut.
Arsitektur sistem Web terdiri dari dua sisi: server dan client. Keduanya
dihubungkan dengan jaringan komputer (computer network). Selain
menyajikan data-data dalam bentuk statis, sistem Web dapat menyajikan
data dalam bentuk dinamis dengan menjalankan program. Program ini
dapat dijalankan di server (misal dengan CGI, servlet) dan di client (applet,
Javascript). Sistem server dan client memiliki permasalahan yang berbeda.
Keduanya akan dibahas secara terpisah. <>
Ada asumsi dari sistem Web ini. Dilihat dari sisi pengguna:
• Server dimiliki dan dikendalikan oleh organisasi yang mengaku
memiliki server tersebut. Maksudnya, jika sebuah server memiliki
domain dan tulisan di layar menunjukkan bahwa situs itu
merupakan milik Bank BNI maka kita percaya bahwa server tersebut
memang benar milik Bank BNI. Adanya domain yang dibajak
merupakan anomali terhadap asumsi ini.
• Dokumen yang ditampilkan bebas dari virus, trojan horse, atau itikad
jahat lainnya. Bisa saja seorang yang nakal memasang virus di web nya.
Akan tetapi ini merupakan anomali.
• Server tidak mendistribusikan informasi mengenai pengunjung (user
yang melakukan browsing) kepada pihak lain. Hal ini disebabkan ketika
kita mengunjungi sebuah web site, data-data tentang kita (nomor IP,
operating system, browser yang digunakan, dll.) dapat dicatat.
Pelanggaran terhadap asumsi ini sebetulnya melanggar privacy. Jika hal
ini dilakukan maka pengunjung tidak akan kembali ke situs ini.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A Sample Applet for depnaker
A Sample Applet
You now know how to create basic classes, add instance variablevariables and
methods to them, create instances of those classes, and access the methods of depnaker
those instances. This section shows how these elements work from inside an
Because the basics of applets and the Abstract Windows Toolkit (the class
library you use to draw on the screen) are not be covered until the next few
chapters, this section already provides the essential code you need to
demonstrate the Vehicle class. You only need to pay attention to three things - Reference
file:///D|/Cool Stuff/old/ftp/Creating.Web.Applets.With.Java/cwa09fi.htm (9 von 24) [12.05.2000 14:54:11]
inside the TestApplet definition:
A instance variable called myVehicle is declared. This variable is an
instance of the Vehicle class.
A Sample Applet
You now know how to create basic classes, add instance variablevariables and
methods to them, create instances of those classes, and access the methods of depnaker
those instances. This section shows how these elements work from inside an
Because the basics of applets and the Abstract Windows Toolkit (the class
library you use to draw on the screen) are not be covered until the next few
chapters, this section already provides the essential code you need to
demonstrate the Vehicle class. You only need to pay attention to three things - Reference
file:///D|/Cool Stuff/old/ftp/Creating.Web.Applets.With.Java/cwa09fi.htm (9 von 24) [12.05.2000 14:54:11]
inside the TestApplet definition:
A instance variable called myVehicle is declared. This variable is an
instance of the Vehicle class.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
There are two main things to remember about each of these objects for depnaker
There are two main things to remember about each of these objects. First, each
of these objects has variables that keep track of what is currently going on
inside the object. For example, the coin-intake object would definitely know at
any given time how much money had been inserted into the machine.
Second, each object has a mechanism to allow other objects to communicate
with it. This process is known as messaging, and the parts of the object that
enable this process are known as methods. If you are used to programming in
other languages, methods are much the same as functions or procedures except
that they aren't just floating around in a program, they are attached to specific
objects. depnaker
PHP's "root directory" on the server. Only used if non-empty for depnaker
PHP's "root directory" on the server. Only used if non-empty. If PHP is configured with safe mode,
no files outside this directory are served.
This directive is really only useful in the Apache module version of PHP. It is used by sites that
would like to turn PHP parsing on and off on a per-directory or per-virtual server basis. By putting
php3_engine off in the appropriate places in the httpd.conf file, PHP can be enabled or
Name of file where script errors should be logged. If the special value syslog is used, the errors
are sent to the system logger instead. On UNIX, this means syslog(3) and on Windows NT it means
the event log. The system logger is not supported on Windows 95.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
For depnaker Actually using no VARCHAR or BLOB types results in a fixed row size
You can check the format used for a table with isamchk -d.
MySQL has three different table formats:
1. Fixed length tables;
o The default format.
o All non packed columns are space filled
o Very quick.
o Easy to cash
o Easy to reconstruct if crashed (Of course this only theoretical :-) because records are on fixed positions.
o Don't have to be reorganized unless a huge number of records are deleted.
2. Dynamic tables
o Is used if there exists any VARCHAR or BLOB columns in table.
o All strings are dynamic (except if length < 3).
o Each record is preceded with a bitmap for which columns are not empty (this isn't the same as null columns).
o Each string is saved with a length byte + string. If string is zero length or a number is zero it takes no extra place (just the zero length bit for each column).
o Each record is uses exactly the needed record space. If a record gets larger it's split into as many pieces as needed.
o Takes little disk space.
o <>
o If records are changed a lot, isamchk -r should be run now and then to reorganize the table. This is to get a better layout. Use isamchk -ei table_name for some statistics.
o Not as easy to reconstruct because a record may be in many pieces and a link may be missing.
o The expected row length for dynamic sized records is: 3 + (number_of_columns + 7) / 8 + (number of char columns) + packed_size_of_number_columns + length_of_strings + (null_columns + 7) / 8. There will be a penalty of 6 bytes for each link. A dynamic record will be linked whenever a update causes a enlargement of the record. Each new link will be at least 20 bytes, so the next enlargement will probably go in the same link. If not there will be another link. You may check how many links there are with isamchk -ed. All links may be removed with isamchk -r.
3. Compressed tables (this is only with UNIREG/pack_isam)
o Read only tables.
o Takes very little disk space. Minimizes disk usage.
o Each record is compressed separately (very little access overhead)
o Can handle fixed or dynamic length records (but no BLOB:s).
o Can be uncompressed with isamchk
PHP's "root directory" on the server. Only used if non-empty. If PHP is configured with safe mode,
no files outside this directory are served.
This directive is really only useful in the Apache module version of PHP. It is used by sites that
would like to turn PHP parsing on and off on a per-directory or per-virtual server basis. By putting
php3_engine off in the appropriate places in the httpd.conf file, PHP can be enabled or
Name of file where script errors should be logged. If the special value syslog is used, the errors
are sent to the system logger instead. On UNIX, this means syslog(3) and on Windows NT it means
the event log. The system logger is not supported on Windows 95.
Set the error reporting level. The parameter is an integer representing a bit field. Add the values of
the error reporting levels you want.
Table 3-1. Error Reporting Levels
bit value enabled reporting
1 normal errors
2 normal warnings
4 parser errors
8 non-critical style-related warnings
The default value for this directive is 7 (normal errors, normal warnings and parser errors are shown).
Limit the files that can be opened by PHP to the specified directory-tree.
When a script tries to open a file with, for example, fopen or gzopen, the location of the file is
checked. When the file is outside the specified directory-tree, PHP will refuse to open it. All
symbolic links are resolved, so it's not possible to avoid this restriction with a symlink
Friday, February 23, 2007
For depnaker Creating New Movie Clips Based on Existing Movie Clips
Recipe 11.9. Creating New Movie Clips Based on Existing Movie Clips
FlashMX MultiRental.3pod rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present
You want to create a duplicate movie clip instance based on an existing instance.
FlashMX MultiRental.3pod rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present
Use the duplicateMovieClip( ) method.
FlashMX MultiRental.3pod rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present <>
With the duplicateMovieClip( ) method, you can quickly create duplicates of movie clip instances already on the stage. This method creates a copy of the movie clip instance from which it is invoked with a new instance name and depth:
// Create a new movie clip named mNewInstance based on the movie clip named
// originalInstance that already existed on the stage. The new movie clip is
// created at depth 1.
mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1);
Additionally, you can specify a third, optional parameter for the duplicateMovieClip( ) method. This parameter is known as the initialization object, and the properties and values of the initialization object are assigned to the new instance. The parameter value should be in the form of an ActionScript Object object, which you can create one of two ways: <>
· Using the constructor and assigning properties and values via dot notation:
· var oInitialization:Object = new Object();
· oInitialization.property1 = "value1";
· oInitialization. property2 = "value2;
· Using the object literal notation:
· var oInitialization:Object = { property1: "value1", property2: "value2"};
Both of these techniques are absolutely valid, and neither is better than the other. Sometimes you may find that you want to use the object literal notation, because it allows you to create the object in line with the duplicateMovieClip( ) method:
mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, { property1: "valeu1",
property2: "value2"});
However, in other cases, the object literal notation is either inconvenient or impossible. Generally, the more properties you want to assign to an object, the more it makes sense to use the constructor technique, because it offers a much more readable format. <>
var oInitialization:Object = new Object();
oInitialization. property1 = "value1";
oInitialization. property2 = "value2";
mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, oInitialization);
The initialization object, or init object, can be extremely useful in at least two ways:
· You can use the initialization object to initialize the new instance with its own values for built-in movie clip properties, such as _x, _y, _rotation, and so on. By default, the duplicate retains the values for these properties from the original movie clip.
· // Create a duplicate movie clip positioned at 300,300.
· mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, {_x: 300, _y: 300});
· You can use the init object to initialize a new instance with copies of the custom method definitions (such as event handler methods) of the original movie clip. By default, custom method definitions are not copied from the original to the duplicate movie clip. However, you can use a for… in loop to populate an initialization object with all the custom properties and methods of the original movie clip, and then pass that initialization object to the duplicateMovieClip( ) method:
· // Create the init object.
· var oInitialization:Object = new Object();
· // Use a for…in loop to loop through all the custom properties and methods of
· // the original movie clip instance, and add them to the init object.
· for(var sItem:String in mOriginalInstance) {
· oInitialization [sItem] = mOriginalInstance[sItem];
· }
· mOriginalInstance.duplicateMovieClip("mNewInstance", 1, oInitialization);
You can use a for statement to create multiple duplicates at the same time. The basic syntax is as follows:
for(var i:Number = 0; i < numberOfDuplicates; i++) {
originalInstance.duplicateMovieClip (newInstanceName, depth);
When you create the new movie clips, make sure each has a unique instance name and a unique depth. Typically, you can generate unique instance names by concatenating the for statement's index variable value with a base name. For example, you might use a base name of mSquare and concatenate that with the value of the for statement's index variable to get instance names of mSquare0, mSquare1, mSquare2, and so on. Then, for the depth, you can either use the value of the for statement's index variable or you can use the getNextHighestDepth( ) method that is discussed in depnakerdepnakerRecipe 11.10. The following example creates five duplicates with instance names mSquare0 through mSquare4:
for(var i:Number = 0; i < 5; i++) {
mSquare.duplicateMovieClip("mSquare" + i, i);
<> When you generate duplicate movie clips in batches as shown in the preceding code, you may notice that you don't have a very convenient way to refer to the new instances. When you create a single duplicate with a specific name, you can refer to the new movie clip quite simply. For example, the following code creates a duplicate of mCircle with an instance name of mNewCircle. Then it applies an onPress( ) event handler method to the new movie clip.
mCircle.duplicateMovieClip("mNewCircle", 1, {_x: 100, _y: 100});
mNewCircle.onPress = function():Void {
trace("You clicked on mNewCircle.");
However, when you use a for statement to create the duplicates with dynamic instance names, you need a different way to refer to the new movie clips. For example, if you are creating duplicate movie clips with instance names mSquare0, mSquare1, mSquare2, and so on, you cannot use the following code to assign an onPress( ) event handler method to them after you've created them:
Saturday, February 17, 2007
feb 07 "depnaker" Untuk sistem yang sangat esensial, secara berkala perlu dibuat backup
letaknya berjauhan secara fisik. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari
hilangnya data akibat bencana seperti kebakaran, banjir, dan lain
sebagainya. Apabila data-data dibackup akan tetapi diletakkan pada lokasi depnaker
yang sama, <>
kemungkinan data akan hilang jika tempat yang bersangkutan
mengalami bencana seperti kebakaran.
Penggunaan Enkripsi untuk meningkatkan
keamanan depnaker
Salah satau mekanisme untuk meningkatkan keamanan adalah dengan
menggunakan teknologi enkripsi. Data-data yang anda kirimkan diubah <>
sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak mudah disadap. Banyak servis di Internet
yang masih menggunakan "plain text" untuk authentication, seperti depnaker <>
penggunaan pasangan userid dan password. Informasi ini dapat dilihat
dengan mudah oleh program penyadap atau pengendus (sniffer).
Contoh servis yang menggunakan plain text antara lain: depnaker
• akses jarak jauh dengan menggunakan telnet dan rlogin
• transfer file dengan menggunakan FTP <>
• akses email melalui POP3 dan IMAP4
• pengiriman email melalui SMTP
• akses web melalui HTTP <>
Penggunaan enkripsi untuk remote akses (misalnya melalui ssh sebagai
penggani telnet atau rlogin) akan dibahas di bagian tersendiri.
Telnet atau shell aman <>
Telnet atau remote login digunakan untuk mengakses sebuah "remote site"
atau komputer melalui sebuah jaringan komputer. Akses ini dilakukan depnaker
dengan menggunakan hubungan TCP/IP dengan menggunakan userid dan
password. Informasi tentang userid dan password ini dikirimkan melalui <>
It keamanan geslearn rental sewa projector proyektor lcd infocus plasma soundsistem jakarta proudly present > <>
ada lynx dan akhirnya muncul Mosaic yang dikembangkan oleh Marc depnaker
Andreesen beserta kawan-kawannya ketika sedang magang di NCSA.
Mosaic yang multi-platform (Unix/Xwindow, Mac, Windows) inilah yang
memicu popularitas WWW. <>
Berkembangnya WWW dan Internet menyebabkan pergerakan sistem
informasi untuk menggunakannya sebagai basis. Banyak sistem yang tidak depnaker
terhubung ke Internet tetapi tetap menggunakan basis Web sebagai basis
untuk sistem informasinya yang dipasang di jaringan Intranet. Untuk itu,
keamanan sistem informasi yang berbasis Web dan teknologi Internet
bergantung kepada keamanan sistem Web tersebut.
Arsitektur sistem Web terdiri dari dua sisi: server dan client. Keduanya
dihubungkan dengan jaringan komputer (computer network). Selain
menyajikan data-data dalam bentuk statis, sistem Web dapat menyajikan
data dalam bentuk dinamis dengan menjalankan program. Program ini
dapat dijalankan di server (misal dengan CGI, servlet) dan di client (applet,
Javascript). Sistem server dan client memiliki permasalahan yang berbeda.
Keduanya akan dibahas secara terpisah. <>
Ada asumsi dari sistem Web ini. Dilihat dari sisi pengguna:
• Server dimiliki dan dikendalikan oleh organisasi yang mengaku
memiliki server tersebut. Maksudnya, jika sebuah server memiliki
domain dan tulisan di layar menunjukkan bahwa situs itu
merupakan milik Bank BNI maka kita percaya bahwa server tersebut
memang benar milik Bank BNI. Adanya domain yang dibajak
merupakan anomali terhadap asumsi ini.
• Dokumen yang ditampilkan bebas dari virus, trojan horse, atau itikad
jahat lainnya. Bisa saja seorang yang nakal memasang virus di web nya.
Akan tetapi ini merupakan anomali.
• Server tidak mendistribusikan informasi mengenai pengunjung (user
yang melakukan browsing) kepada pihak lain. Hal ini disebabkan ketika
kita mengunjungi sebuah web site, data-data tentang kita (nomor IP,
operating system, browser yang digunakan, dll.) dapat dicatat.
Pelanggaran terhadap asumsi ini sebetulnya melanggar privacy. Jika hal
ini dilakukan maka pengunjung tidak akan kembali ke situs ini
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Adding Sound to Your Web Pages For depnaker
Classes Versus Objects
Objects, as discussed above, are software packages that contain data and the
procedures that act on that data. Classes are groups of objects that share the
same behavior; they are templates that define what each object of that class
looks like by specifying what the data is and what the procedures are.
Instances are the actual implementations or realizations of a class; the "real" depnaker
things that a class describes. Each instance is a separate entity and many - Reference
file:///D|/Cool Stuff/old/ftp/Creating.Web.Applets.With.Java/cwa09fi.htm (3 von 24) [12.05.2000 14:54:11]
instances of a class can exist at one time. Instances have values in the data
variables. Even though two or more instances may have exactly the same data
values, they are still separate things. Tech Ed
Maybe i'm missing something, but wasn't what I wrote basically a simplified
version of this? -Ken
Before you can start building objects, you need to understand a couple of the
more confusing aspects of object-oriented programming. Remember this
sentence: Classes are templates, and objects are instances.
In Java, when you want to create a new type of object, you can't just make
one. You must first make a blueprint, or template, of the object you want to depnaker
create. From this template, you can make as many objects as you want. Think
of it as a software cookie cutter.
Objects are known as instances of classes. The template has been used to
create an object, and the object now exists virtually inside the computer. You
can think of an object as the cookie that the cookie cutter creates. If things
seem confusing, don't worry. The next section gets to the process of making
objects, and things should get much clearer.